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4.0 ( 2720 ratings )
Sociala nätverk Navigering
Utvecklare: Siarhei Semenenko

DOROGA is a special application for car owners and professionals.

It makes possible to be informed of road conditions.
If you install our application you wont have problems with orientating and will be able to choose a quick safe route.

The application will inform you about such situations:
-sleeping policemen (speed bumps)
-police posts
-radars and video fixation cameras
-traffic jams
-and other situations.

Warnings about different types of obstacles can be easily tuned:
-switch on/ off the possibility of receiving a message that you are getting closer to an obstacle
-the distance up to a dangerous section (youll receive a voice-message report: a signal/ female voice/ male voice)

The application gives a possibility of using different modes of viewing the map (a map/a satellite/a hybrid ) In order to save Internet traffic the mode "Without a map" is available.
If there is no Internet access the application works in an off-line state and uses the last data received.

You will be able to help other drivers by showing them the existence of danger on the road. Apart from putting marks on the cards you will be able to show the direction of transport stream for that can face this danger.

Vote: "Yes" or "No" in order to help other drivers to receive urgent information about the road.

Doroga 1.2 is also available in Russian and English.

Warning! The application uses GPS that can dramatically decrease battery life even running in the background.